One of several applications I work on is a COM add-in for Excel. To put it mildly, this thing can be a real bear to support sometimes.
I was looking into a very peculiar access violation (AV) today. It seemed to only ever happen if—
- My add-in was installed.
- The Analysis Toolpak was installed.
- I tried to load a very large and very particular workbook from a client.
I took a look at a crash dump and—luckily—was able to reproduce this in my office. This is a very good thing, because when I can’t reproduce it often means that I will have to dress up.
The AV was occurring very deep in some Excel code. It didn’t look like my add-in was doing anything special, or in fact, anything at all.
My first instinct might have been, “Why can’t the Excel team fix their stupid bugs!!?!” But, I have more empathy than that. The AV happened in a function that appeared to put the EBP register through a blender set to “pulverize.”
In other words, it required effort to get an accurate stack trace within this function, and I was far too lazy to pick up the pieces. Any reasonable person would be too—and maybe the bug only occurs with the optimizer turned on. So I will give the Excel team a pass on this one.
So what’s a clever debugger to do? Well, I (begrudgingly) know enough about Excel to know that the Analysis Toolpak is a bit of a dinosaur—apparently just like many Office users. It is actually ANALYS32.XLL, nothing more than a standard DLL with special exports. It is a relic of add-in architectures gone by.
So I used GFLAGS.EXE to set WinDbg as the startup debugger for Excel, and fired it up.
Now, I had absolutely no idea which worksheet functions were actually in the toolpak. Frankly, I had no particular desire to do the research. So, I set a breakpoint on all of them:
0:00> bm ANALYS32!*
The bm
command is the set symbol breakpoint command. Since I only have export symbols for the Analysis Toolpak, this effectively puts a break on every exported function from that XLL.
After that I hit “go” and opened up the workbook. The first break was on the XIRR formula:
3d00fbb1 55 push ebp
At this point I had second thoughts about breaking on all of the formulas, so I cleared those breakpoints.
0:00> bc *
And I figured that it was pretty likely that Excel would be calling any user-defined-function from the same parent procedure, so I stepped one frame down on the stack.
0:00> .frame 1
The .frame
command changes the local context. It’s basically the same as clicking on a higher function in the stack trace in Visual Studio. At that point I saw this in my disassembly window:
3046aaac ff5004 call dword ptr [eax+0x4] ; call to UDF
3046aaaf 8b4d14 mov ecx, [ebp+0x14] ; return address
The first instruction is the call to the user-defined function. The second is the return address, or the next instruction to be executed when the user-defined function returns.
I was still in the information-gathering stage here, so I decided to just dump out the functions being called here rather than try to really dig into any disassembly where the AV was occurring.
I decided to print out messages on both of these instructions—in other words, before and after every call to a UDF. I did that with two breakpoints:
0:000> bp 3046aaac "dds @eax+4 L1; g"
0:000> bp 3046aaaf ".echo return; g"
Let me point out a few things about these. First, I specified the breakpoint location directly by instruction address, and not using any symbols. Second, let me explain what I mean by dds @eax+4 L1.
dds is the display data with symbols command. And as you recall, the instruction we are breaking on is:
call dword ptr [eax+0x4]
So what I am trying to do here is print out the name of the function being called, if we indeed have the name. If there’s a symbol for (@eax+0x4) when we get here, dds will print it out for us.
After this I hit “go,” and this is what I saw:
00137974 3d00fbb1 ANALYS32!xirr
00137974 3d00fbb1 ANALYS32!xirr
00137780 3d00fbb1 ANALYS32!xirr
00133d58 3d00fbb1 ANALYS32!xirr
00133d58 3d00fbb1 ANALYS32!xirr
Hm, that’s interesting. The XIRR’s by themselves seem to work fine, but we get an AV as soon as the nested XIRR function returns.
At this point I disabled the Analysis Toolpak and opened the worksheet up. Searching through the formulas, I found the XIRR functions that my client was using. I couldn’t figure out how any of them were dependent upon one another, but I did notice that they were all feeding on a TODAY()
function. TODAY
is what you call a volatile function, and can cause a lot of crazy BS to go down.
On a hunch, I plugged in a nonvolatile alternative that I had handy in an XLA module. After that, the workbook loaded fine.
So there you have it. Apparently, Excel fails miserably if my add-in loads, there are nested XIRR formulas on a sheet, and they are using the TODAY
formula as an input.
I never figured out what the “real” conflict was. It’s not worth the effort and Excel shouldn’t crash, regardless, I told myself.
It’s ironic that I never would have been able to figure this much out if the conflict had been with an XLA add-in or an Automation add-in. Well ok, not never, but I probably would have given up first.