Dan McKinley
Math, Programming, and Minority Reports


Nonblocking Pool Class
November 20th, 2005

This is not an original idea but I thought I would post/explain it anyway. This is a generalized version of a pattern I have been using for a while. I’m not sure where I first picked it up but I’ve seen it used in several places.

The purpose of this class is to pool instances of a particular type in a server application. The assumptions I am making about the problem are:

The nice thing about this pool class is that it handles the second case gracefully. It will reuse objects as much as possible, but it won’t block a thread in the case that the attempt fails. If it didn’t, you might end up introducing massive contention in your attempt to increase throughput with a different, locking pool.

The class provides very lightweight synchronization using atomic operations - there’s no use of critical sections (the lock keyword).

/// <summary>
/// Provides and reuses objects of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">
/// The type that is pooled. Must provide a default constructor.
/// </typeparam>
public class NonBlockingPool<T>
   where T : new()
   // Contains the pooled items.
   private Stack<T> _stack;

   // The maximum size of _stack.
   private int _max;

   // This reference is used to ensure that only one thread
   // calls methods on _stack at a time.
   private object _lock = new object();

   /// <summary>
   /// Gets or sets the maximum size of the pool.
   /// </summary>
   public int MaximumSize
      get { return _max; }
      set { _max = value; }

   /// <summary>
   /// Gets a pooled instance of type <typeparamref name="T"/>,
   /// or yields a new instance.
   /// </summary>
   public T Get()
      // If two threads enter this method at the same time,
      // only one will acquire _lock (the other will be given
      // null). The caller that fails to acquire _lock will
      // be returned a new instance of T.
      T ret = default(T);
      object obj = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _lock, null);
         if (obj != null && _stack.Count > 0)
            ret = _stack.Pop();
            ret = new T();
         if (obj != null)
            _lock = obj;
      return ret;

   /// <summary>
   /// Reuses an instance of type <paramref name="T"/> in a
   /// subsequent request or call whenever possible.
   /// </summary>
   public void Reuse(T t)
      // If two threads enter this method at the same time,
      // only one will acquire _lock (the other will be given
      // a null reference). The instance of T provided by
      // the losing thread will just be collected and not
      // reused.
      object obj = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _lock, null);
         if (obj != null && _stack.Count < _max)
         if (obj != null)
            _lock = obj;

   /// <summary>
   /// Constructor.
   /// </summary>
   /// <param name="max">
   /// The maximum number of instances of
   /// <typeparamref name="T"/> to hold in the pool.
   /// </param>
   public NonBlockingPool(int max)
      if (max < 0)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("max");
      _stack = new Stack<T>(max);
      _max = max;

Here’s a (contrived) minimal example of a consumer of such a pool. This server class makes a context object available to each thread for the duration of each request. This object is stored in a slot unique to each thread (specified with the ThreadStaticAttribute) while a ProcessRequest function is called. The instance is returned to the pool in a finally block after that call is finished.

public class SampleServer
   private static ServerContext _context;

   private NonBlockingPool<ServerContext> _pool;

   public static ServerContext Context
      get { return _context; }

   internal void ProcessRequest(IServerApp app)
         _context = _pool.Get();
         if (_context != null)

            // We want the context to be collected if it isn't
            // actually reused by the pool.
            _context = null;

A more concrete example might be an IHttpModule or a remoting server channel sink. As I said once already, it’s important to consider 1) the type of resource you are pooling and 2) the amount of load your application is expecting before committing yourself to a pattern such as this one.

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